there is a quaint little place in my hometown of chardon, oh called rosepointe cottage tea room. restored from an old historic century home, the cottage now houses a lunch service and afternoon tea. going there is the coziest of experiences; you're seated in large, giant-like cherry dining room chairs similar to the ones your grandparents once had when you were little (they probably seemed even more humungous then). the best part is the cups; your tea of choice is served in your very own teapot accompanied by an antique teacup and (most often mismatched, but ever so appropriate) saucer. in addition, there are NO sugar packets - only white and brown little sugar cubes. i personally take mine with just one cube per cup with a droplet of milk, and thoroughly enjoy observing how long the three-dimesional sugar square takes to dissolve in my tiny cup of heaven. teatime has always been one of my favorite pastimes. there is such a comfort in taking tea as it's often shared with someone you love on a chilly day. there is also such an art in finding old, colorful, variously designed teacups and saucers at local vintage fairs, antique stores, or flea markets. each design though seemingly similar is actually quite different than the next. it seems even more exciting to select those that are not only pretty and serve purpose, but perhaps also once sipped by kings, queens, and their court...or possibly an ancestor from hundreds of years before. (hey, one can dream!)
i love tea :) very pretty tea cup picks, i think the last one is my favorite!