i am a worry wort. at some point during the occupancy in my mother's womb, i mysteriously contracted some sort of worry potion that has stuck with me throughout my 27 years of life, thus far. either that had to be the case, or else my mother is jewish, unbeknownst to me. what i do know is that when i'm not 100% in control of a situation and its entirety, i am an anxious mess. moving not once, but two times in the last year hasn't really helped my "syndrome". since i packed up the apartment i inhabited for three lovely years last april, all of my belongings have been packed away in storage. i literally have been living out of a suitcase (or five) for almost an entire year! now let's be honest, i am a girly girl and girly girls tend to have a lot of things - shoes, clothes, jewels, sharpies, my jonathan adler porcelain elephant, the magic bullet - there is a horrible feeling of discomfort and extreme uneasiness that results from being without any of these items on a daily basis. quite honestly, as i look back at the number of changes i've endured these past 11 months , it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that i have come a loooooooooong way in the reduce, reuse, and simplify department. bertrand russell said it best - "to be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness." almost one year later, all of the posessions i have compiled over the years (including my memory foam pillow and lemon-yellow hand painted lamp with watercolor floral shade - crazy, right?) still remain tucked away in storage, but i must say...i may be without some of my most favorite things in this sweet sweet life, but i am calm. i am alive. and, i am happy to be carrying on.
Yes, you have come a long way in the austerity dept. I am very proud of you!